Petit format

Houses around the world

A gallery dedicated to decoration and design around the world. Do not hesitate to leave me comments

#blancdeblanc #decor #hiltonmacconnico (1/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#blancdeblanc #decor #hiltonmacconnico

#whiteiswhite #paris #photo #rolandbeaufre #firstdesign #magazine

#lavabos #hôtel #aïtbenhaddou (2/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#lavabos #hôtel #aïtbenhaddou

#maroc #photo #rolandbeaufre

Chez #oscardelarenta (3/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
Chez #oscardelarenta

#Connecticut #etatsunis #photo #rolandbeaufre #decorationinternationale #80s

#petitdejeuner #ouessant #breakfast (4/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#petitdejeuner #ouessant #breakfast

#christmas #decoration #noel #maison #olivierpy #house

#villaMedicis #roma #italy (5/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#villaMedicis #roma #italy

Tirage disponible chez Helle Thygesen galerie
Print available at Helle Thygesen gallery

#canape #coussins #pillows #sofa (6/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#canape #coussins #pillows #sofa

#londres #pelhamhotel #london

#galerie #guerlain #gallery (7/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#galerie #guerlain #gallery

#champselysees #paris #design #andreeputman

#fauteuil #tapis #carpet #armchair (8/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#fauteuil #tapis #carpet #armchair

#appartement #topolina #apartment #tanger #maroc #Morocco

#salledebains #chateau #castle #bathroom (9/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salledebains #chateau #castle #bathroom

#thionville #france

#atelier #bloomsburygroup #worshop (10/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#atelier #bloomsburygroup #worshop

#detail #peinture #nu #homme #closeup #painting #malenude #duncangant #photo #rolandbeaufre #cosmopolitan 2010

#cuisine #enfants #children #kitchen (11/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#cuisine #enfants #children #kitchen

#bleu #blanc #white #blue #photo #rolandbeaufre #maisonfrancaise #90s

#bedroom #alcove #chambre (12/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bedroom #alcove #chambre

#chateau #jossigny #castle #france

#CharlottePerriand #design (13/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#CharlottePerriand #design

#studio #Arcs #alpes #france #CharlottePerriand

#salledebain #bathroom #decoration #iraklizaria (14/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salledebain #bathroom #decoration #iraklizaria

#moscow #russia

#bugalow #Tanger #morocco (15/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bugalow #Tanger #morocco

#style #davidhockney

#apartement #pascalgregory #apartment (16/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#apartement #pascalgregory #apartment

#dialogue #statues #talking #decoration #jacquesgrange #paris #photo #rolandbeaufre #maisonetjardin #80s

#resumé #decoration #stewartchurch (17/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#resumé #decoration #stewartchurch

#cabonegro #maroc #morocco

#chambre #bedroom (18/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #bedroom

#appartement #christophergibbs #apartment #london #uk #photo #rolandbeaufre #livinglondon #weidenfeldandnicholson #publisher

#blanc #bleu #blue #white #axelvervoordt (19/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#blanc #bleu #blue #white #axelvervoordt

#antwerpen #belgique

#chateau #balleroy #castle (20/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chateau #balleroy #castle

#salledebain #toiledejouy #bathroom #normandie #normandy #malcomforbes

#composit(ion #blanche #white #setup (21/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#composit(ion #blanche #white #setup

#decoration #catherinememi #appartement #paris apartment

#chambre #maison #london #house (22/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #maison #london #house
#salon #romeogigli #sittingroom (23/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #romeogigli #sittingroom

#lampe #nogushi #lamp #pouf #Morocco #boucliers #Oceania #shield #appartement #milan #apartment

#salon #chateau #jossigny #castle (24/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #chateau #jossigny #castle
#hotel #saintjames #Bordeaux (25/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#hotel #saintjames #Bordeaux

#architecte #jeannouvel #architect

#poignéedeporte #rateau #doorhandle (26/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#poignéedeporte #rateau #doorhandle

#appartement #jeannelanvin #apartment #musee #artsdecoratifs #museum #paris

#salon #decoration #stewartchurch (27/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #decoration #stewartchurch

#cabonegro #maroc #morocco

#chambre #chateau #castle #bedroom (28/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #chateau #castle #bedroom

#été #toscana #summer #decoration #pierrehervewalbaum

#composition #enrougeetnoir #blackandred (29/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#composition #enrougeetnoir #blackandred

#tableau #charlottedemaupou #plumes et#céramiques chez le #décorateur #Yvestaralon

#chambre #maison #lalanne #ury (30/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #maison #lalanne #ury
#detail #appartement #topolina #tanger (31/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #appartement #topolina #tanger
#statue #jardin #Lalanne (32/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#statue #jardin #Lalanne

#photo #rolandbeaufre

Houses around the world (33/392) - Roland Beaufre

#cosole #peltrault #lampadaire #naggar #console #christopherpearson #totem #ciborowski

#maison #matmata #house #tunisie (34/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#maison #matmata #house #tunisie

#maison troglodyte #house #tunisia

#decoration #HenriGarelli (35/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#decoration #HenriGarelli

#chambre #chateau #Provence #castle #bedroom #livre #scenesdinterieur #book #editionsduregard #publisher #photo #rolandbeaufre

Houses around the world (36/392) - Roland Beaufre

#loft #kojitatsuno

Houses around the world (37/392) - Roland Beaufre

#objets #thomasboog

#halldentree #entrancehall (38/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#halldentree #entrancehall

#maison #laurewelfing #house #tanger #morocco

#madameestservie #paris (39/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#madameestservie #paris
#salledebains #design #ericgizard (40/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salledebains #design #ericgizard
#litimperial (41/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre


#chambre #decoratrice #michelehalard (42/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #decoratrice #michelehalard
#salon #maison #artiste #lupertz (43/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #maison #artiste #lupertz

#berlin #allemagne

#entree #maison #tanger #maroc (44/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#entree #maison #tanger #maroc
#detail #chateau #blancafort (45/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #chateau #blancafort
#hotelparticulier #Paris (46/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#hotelparticulier #Paris
#chambre #style #60s #paris (47/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #style #60s #paris
#bureau #gillesdufour (48/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #gillesdufour
#chambre #garoustes #80s (49/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #garoustes #80s
#salleamanger #manoirdevillers (50/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #manoirdevillers


#salon #atelier #artiste (51/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #atelier #artiste

#décoration #jacquesgrange

#detail #salleamanger (52/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #salleamanger

#maison #paris

#salon #appartement #lecaire (53/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #appartement #lecaire
#boutique #barbier #goa #inde (54/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#boutique #barbier #goa #inde
#chambre #toiledejouy (55/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #toiledejouy

#decoration #michelehalard

#salon #soniarykiel (56/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #soniarykiel
#bureau #maison #Luxembourg (57/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #maison #Luxembourg

#décoration #henrigarelli

#detail #fleuri #decoration #albertopint (58/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #fleuri #decoration #albertopint
#salon #piano #souslestoits #paris (59/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #piano #souslestoits #paris
#detail #bureau #scenariste #jacquesfies (60/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #bureau #scenariste #jacquesfies
#detail #platre #entree #maison (61/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #platre #entree #maison

chez #ramunchodesaintamand

#atelier #oeuvre #fabricehyber (62/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#atelier #oeuvre #fabricehyber

#fauteuil #fabricehyber pour #cyrilputman

#africaremix #Tanger #Maroc (63/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#africaremix #Tanger #Maroc

#haiti #marocain #console #napoleontrois #amphore #crush mon #salon #tanger my #livingroom

#entree #militaire #paris (64/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#entree #militaire #paris
#halldentree #chateau #brissac (65/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#halldentree #chateau #brissac
#detail #style #arty #bureau #paris (66/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #style #arty #bureau #paris
#salon #jeanlouisscherrer #paris (67/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #jeanlouisscherrer #paris
#loft #georgesdureau #nouvelleorleans (68/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#loft #georgesdureau #nouvelleorleans
#detail #portrait #porcelaine #Limoges (69/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #portrait #porcelaine #Limoges
#detail #salon #ericbergere (70/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #salon #ericbergere
#buren #sollewit #ghislainmolletvieivill (71/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#buren #sollewit #ghislainmolletvieivill

#citymagazine #80s

#detail #restaurant #toureiffel (72/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #restaurant #toureiffel

#design #slavick

#chambre #manoirdevillers #bedroom (73/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #manoirdevillers #bedroom

#lit #baldaquin #fourposterbed

chez #marieclaudebeaud (74/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
chez #marieclaudebeaud

#table #martin zekely #lampe #ingomaurer

#cabanon #robinsoncrusoe (75/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#cabanon #robinsoncrusoe

vu par #disneylandparis

#hall #villa #tanger (76/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#hall #villa #tanger

#style #colonial

#salleamanger #jackrussell #dinningroom (77/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #jackrussell #dinningroom

#chateau #arstetten #castle #habsbourg #austria

#chandelier #markbrazierjones (78/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chandelier #markbrazierjones

#magasin #roccoco #londres #80s

Houses around the world (79/392) - Roland Beaufre

#magasin #martinmargiela

#bureau #villa #artdeco (80/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #villa #artdeco

#casablanca #maroc

#detail #mobilier #marieantoinette (81/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #mobilier #marieantoinette

#appartements #versailles

#bureau #londres (82/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #londres
#patio #sidibousaid (83/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#patio #sidibousaid


#salleamanger ##chateau #champdebataille (84/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger ##chateau #champdebataille

#decorateur #jacquesgarcia

#salledereception #baccarat (85/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salledereception #baccarat

#designer #starck

#salon #nicolegarcia (86/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #nicolegarcia

#appartement #actrice #realistrice #paris

#maison #JacquesDemignot #house (87/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#maison #JacquesDemignot #house

#salleàmanger #dinningroom #Tanger#morocco #scenesdelavietangeroise #khbarbladna #publisher

#salon #ericbergere (88/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #ericbergere

#style #violletleduc

#appartement #remylefur (89/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#appartement #remylefur

#cheval #bleu #cochon #fleuri

#perspective #appartement #parisien (90/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#perspective #appartement #parisien

#décoratrice #michelejoubert

#salon #louisquinze #dixneufcent (91/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #louisquinze #dixneufcent

#appartement #nadinederostchild #bordeaux

#appartement #parisien #moderne (92/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#appartement #parisien #moderne

#fauteuil #mariobotta #peinture #matisse

#salon #yvestaralon #campagne (93/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #yvestaralon #campagne
#maison #pierreloti #rochefort (94/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#maison #pierreloti #rochefort
#salledebains #chantalthomas #90s (95/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salledebains #chantalthomas #90s
#bureau #manoloblahnick (96/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #manoloblahnick

#bath #angleterre

#cuisine #ferme #rif #maroc (97/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#cuisine #ferme #rif #maroc
#chambre #artandcraft (98/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #artandcraft

#decoration #tino zerwudachi

#salon #marrakech #maroc (99/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #marrakech #maroc

#decoretion #aldolfodevelasco

#salleamanger #londres (100/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #londres

#lizabruce #alvisvega

#salon #bar #tamaradelempika (101/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #bar #tamaradelempika


detail #cheminee (102/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
detail #cheminee

#sanmigueldeallende #mexique #deborahturbeville

#entree #maison #umbertopasti (103/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#entree #maison #umbertopasti

#tanger #maroc

#salon #dixneuciemesiecle (104/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #dixneuciemesiecle

#maison #dennisseevers #Londres

#detail #fauteuil #cisale (105/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #fauteuil #cisale

#decor #didiergomez

#maison #madeleinecastaing #house (106/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#maison #madeleinecastaing #house

#visitepriveedansleschateauxenfrance #lechene #publisher

#salleamanger #dartorres (107/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #dartorres

#tetouan #maroc

#fresque #christianberard (108/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#fresque #christianberard

#guerlain #paris

#salleamanger #davidmlinaric #londres (109/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #davidmlinaric #londres
#salon #dennisseevers (110/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #dennisseevers


#salledebains #mykonos #grece (111/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salledebains #mykonos #grece
#salon #londres (112/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #londres

#artiste #malcomtemple

#cheminee #artiste #janinejanet (113/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#cheminee #artiste #janinejanet
#patio #maison #essaouira (114/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#patio #maison #essaouira


#salon #rouge #appartement #sienna (115/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #rouge #appartement #sienna

#fin de #19emesiecle #italy

#bureau #lalane (116/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #lalane
#detail #boiseries (117/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #boiseries

#appartement #marieantoinette #chateau #fontainebleau

#salon #alexislahelec #80s (118/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #alexislahelec #80s


#chambre #sidibousaid (119/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #sidibousaid


#salon #contessedesalm (120/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #contessedesalm


#cabanon #lecorbusier (121/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#cabanon #lecorbusier

#riviera #france

#Noël #spencerhouse #londres (122/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#Noël #spencerhouse #londres
#chambre #decorateur #mariovilla (123/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #decorateur #mariovilla

#neworleans #usa

#bureau #sidibousaid (124/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #sidibousaid


#salon #collectionneur #americain (125/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #collectionneur #americain

#paris #france

#chambre #maison #goa #inde (126/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #maison #goa #inde
#eloge du #desordre (127/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#eloge du #desordre

#appartement #parisien

#palais #chigisaracini #sienna (128/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#palais #chigisaracini #sienna


#coiffeuse #imperatriceeugenie (129/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#coiffeuse #imperatriceeugenie


#salon #atelier #artiste #paris (130/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #atelier #artiste #paris
#salon #ducdaumale (131/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #ducdaumale


#fontaine #zeliges (132/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#fontaine #zeliges

#maison #fes #maroc

chambre #chateaudechampgillon (133/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
chambre #chateaudechampgillon
#bureau #alvisvega (134/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #alvisvega

#maison #lizabruce #alvisvega #londres #90s

#grandescalier #chateaudechacenay (135/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#grandescalier #chateaudechacenay

#style #violetleduc

#theatre #chateaudebrissac (136/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#theatre #chateaudebrissac
#salon #veranda #sittingroom (137/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #veranda #sittingroom

#manoir #iledefrance #manor

#chambreroyale (138/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre


#salondemusique #rose #bleu (139/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salondemusique #rose #bleu

#Tanger #Maroc

#salon #chateaudeballeroy (140/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #chateaudeballeroy

#normandie #malcomforbes

#poretedentree #lamamounia (141/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#poretedentree #lamamounia

#marrakech #maroc

#loft #antiquaire #christiansapet#paris (142/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#loft #antiquaire #christiansapet#paris
#salon #petittrianon (143/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #petittrianon

#marieantoinette #versailles

#detail #escalier (144/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#detail #escalier

#decor #henrigarelli

#lustre #plafond (145/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#lustre #plafond


#galerie #appartementparisien (146/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#galerie #appartementparisien


#chambre #chateaudeserrant (147/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #chateaudeserrant


#salon #stylecouture (148/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #stylecouture


#piscine #barbades #caraibes (149/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#piscine #barbades #caraibes

#decoraton #nicholashaslam

#architectedinterieur #thierrypeltrau (150/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#architectedinterieur #thierrypeltrau

#appartement #parisien

#petitdejeuner #hotelmontdarbois (151/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#petitdejeuner #hotelmontdarbois


#loft #80s #paris (152/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#loft #80s #paris


#englishbreakfast #pelhamhotel (153/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#englishbreakfast #pelhamhotel

#londres #chintz #fleurs

#table #jacqueshenrilartigue (154/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#table #jacqueshenrilartigue

#edition #ecartinternational

#chambre #exotiquechic (155/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #exotiquechic

#barbados #caraïbes #decoration #nicholashaslam

#composition #tableaux #miroir (156/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#composition #tableaux #miroir

#appartement #Paris

#grosplan #salon #bangkok (157/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#grosplan #salon #bangkok


#diner chez #agnescomar (158/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#diner chez #agnescomar
#composition #appartement (159/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#composition #appartement

#décorateur #dannicholson #newyork #usa

#piecesdereception #nice (160/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#piecesdereception #nice

#appartement #decorateur #nadinenunes

#folie #minéraux #parc #château (161/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#folie #minéraux #parc #château

#champdebataille #Normandie #décorateur #jacquesgarcia

#style #neoantique (162/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#style #neoantique

#fresque #alafacon de #pompei #objet #christianastugvieille

#salleamanger #ethnique #baroque (163/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #ethnique #baroque

#décorateur #jeanloisriccardi #Tanger #Maroc

#maison #freud (164/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#maison #freud

#appartement de sa #fille #Londres

#maison #Londres (165/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#maison #Londres

#style #ethnique #moderne

#suite #napoleontrois (166/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#suite #napoleontrois

#maison #tanger#maroc

#salleamanger #remylefur #paris (167/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #remylefur #paris
#bureau #bibliothèque #palomapicasso (168/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureau #bibliothèque #palomapicasso


#50 #revu par #alexislahellec (169/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#50 #revu par #alexislahellec
#patio #orient (170/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#patio #orient

#stuc #porte #vitres #couleurs #carreaux #ciment #maison #Tanger #Maroc

#perspective chez #katelllebourhis (171/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#perspective chez #katelllebourhis

#style #couture #couleur #chartreuse #appartement #haussman

#salon #peninsulrarabic (172/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #peninsulrarabic

#décoration #albertopinto #pochoirs #moucharabiehs

#musee #dennery #paris (173/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#musee #dennery #paris
#decor #classique #français (174/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#decor #classique #français

#collection #porcelaine #Limoges

#chambre #pierreloti #rochefort (175/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #pierreloti #rochefort
#salon #château de #balleroy (176/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #château de #balleroy

#Normandie appartenant au #célèbre #milliardaire #malcomforbes

#mobilier #bonettigarouste (177/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#mobilier #bonettigarouste

#terrasse #ete #paris

#chambre #louloudelafalaise (178/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #louloudelafalaise

#bibliothèque #alexisdelafalaise

#bouledecristal (179/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre


#piscine sur #jardin #Bruxelles (180/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#piscine sur #jardin #Bruxelles

#inspiration #tigredubengale #décoration #Christophedecarpentrie

#collection #vases #gilbertetgeorges (181/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#collection #vases #gilbertetgeorges
#salledejeux (182/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre

#château de #Compiègne

#perspective #bureau #campagne #France (183/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#perspective #bureau #campagne #France

#buste #neoclassic #rose #décoration #yvestaralon

#chambre #baroque #exotique #19éme (184/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #baroque #exotique #19éme

#Tanger #Maroc #décorateur #jeanlouisriccardi

#neoclassic #tromploeil (185/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#neoclassic #tromploeil

#appartement #Paris

#salon #outdoor (186/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #outdoor

#sanmigueloutdoor #Mexico

#matin #soleil #couleurs (187/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#matin #soleil #couleurs

#home #Tanger #Maroc

#reflet #appartement #cyrilputman (188/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#reflet #appartement #cyrilputman
#pingpong #tromploeil (189/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#pingpong #tromploeil

#jardin #borddeseine

#salon #louisedevilmorin (190/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #louisedevilmorin

#verrières par #agnescomar

#miroir #plante #métal #réflection (191/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#miroir #plante #métal #réflection

#maison #Paris

#salon #andredubreuil (192/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salon #andredubreuil

#château #Périgord

#composition chez #palomapicasso (193/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#composition chez #palomapicasso

#oiseau #Picasso #statuettes #antique #orange et #noir

#terrasse #maison #kenzo (194/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#terrasse #maison #kenzo


Salon #ardeco #Marrakech (195/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
Salon #ardeco #Marrakech

#maison #notable #juif à voir dans mon #livre #voyagedanslemarocjuif

#chambre #appartement #londres (196/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #appartement #londres
#bureaupresidentiel #pdg (197/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#bureaupresidentiel #pdg

#géométrique #noiretblanc

#chambre #Londres (198/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#chambre #Londres

#décorateur #antiquaire #christophergibbs

#salleamanger #artdeco #casablanca (199/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#salleamanger #artdeco #casablanca
#petitdejeuner #18emesiecle (200/392) - Houses around the world - Roland Beaufre
#petitdejeuner #18emesiecle

#maison #dennisseevers #Londres

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